Create your own InternetBegin page, fast and easy!

Internet-Id does not accept any responsibility for (possible) errors, inconveniences or inactual data at the websites she has built or manages.

By using Internet-Id's products and services Users are allowed to claim (subdomain) websites. All subdomains / websites stay in possession of Internet-Id. Internet-Id is allowed to use these subdomains / websites as she likes, at any time. So claiming subdomains by users does not mean possession of these subdomains by this users.

All data on the websites and / or other products, originally created by Internet-Id and / or entered by users, can and will be used by Internet-Id. The (intellectual) ownership of websites and other products of Internet-Id are exclusively in possession of Internet-Id herself.

No part of Internet-Id's websites and other products may be reproduced nor published without explicit admission of Internet-Id. Requests for information or admission for the use of content / data can be directed to: B.V.
External Communications
Postbus 1085

Internet-Id does not accept any responsibility for information that is linked from her websites or other products. Please contact our webmaster if you have technical questions or problems.

Vragenweb, Yoice, InternetCV, TravelPoints, InternetBegin and SollTrack are products / services of Internet-Id.

(c) 2005, Internet-Id
All rights reserved.